Thursday, October 31, 2019

You can decide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

You can decide - Essay Example fected the atmosphere surrounding the hoax, as with the discovery of fossils found in countries like Germany and France, and the recent publishing of Darwin’s theory of evolution kept scientists very curious to see what new fossil regarding man’s existence would suffice. 8. Woodward was an eminent geologist who accompanied Dawson to Piltdown town in order to visit the site where the fossil skull was found. They dug the site where the skull was found and found the remains of prehistoric animals, stone age tools and an ape-like jaw bone with human-like teeth that seemed to link to the skull that was initially found at the site. 11. The significance of the canine tooth that was found was to eliminate all forms of doubt that came with the reconstruction of the ancient skull by Woodward. If the canine matched its size in accordance with the jaw that was found, Smith would be able to endorse his predictions. 12. The second Piltdown man was found just two miles from where the first Piltdown man was found and was discovered by Dawson. The second find was very significant as it acted as proof of the first finding and also helped enforce how genuine the first find was. 13. Kenneth Oakley was a scientist working at London’s Natural History Museum. Kenneth was the man who applied chemical tests on the fossils so as to help authenticate and date the fossils and whose test rendered the fossils as fake as they were much younger than was expected. 14. The jaw and the canine tooth were believed to have been forged. The jaw was believed to have maybe been an orangutan’s and the teeth had simply been filed flat so as to disguise them, and the canine tooth appeared to have been crudely filed in a hurry and colored with paint. 15. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle passed by the digging site where the fossils were discovered while on his golfing rounds, and the possibility of him planting some of the fossils that were found acted as evidence of his involvement in

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Philosophy of Confucius Essay Example for Free

The Philosophy of Confucius Essay For my essay I have decided to analyze the philosophy of Confucius as seen in The Analects or Lunyu ( ). I will be focusing primarily on what I have found to be the key components underlying Confucian ethics; Filial Piety (Xiao) (? ), Ritual Propriety (Li) (? ) and Authoritative Conduct (Ren) (? ). These three moral concepts are integral aspects of Confucian role ethics; they develop as a counterpart to western philosophy such as Immanuel Kant’s ethics of duty and have remained to this day sound and honourable ideologies that people should live their lives in accordance with. Confucianism has had the most the most prevalent influence on Chinese society for nearly two thousand years (c100BC-1900AD), it affected all aspects of Chinese life; education, politics and personal conduct in both one’s private and public affairs. It became the paramount school of thought and later significant philosophies such as Daoism and Legalism would take their lead from Confucianism. The Chinese government made Confucianism the official state philosophy but that is not to say didn’t fall out of favour over the last two thousand years; from c.200-600AD there was a severe decline in followers as a result of the emergence of Buddhism and Daoism but Confucianism was fully revived by 700AD. In 1100s came Neo-Confucianism, innovated by Zhu-Xi, focussing more on Li and aspects of human nature and in the 1900s Confucianism fell out of favour with western beliefs such as communism. However all government opposition to communism ended by 1977 and Confucianism is now being embraced again in both eastern and western cultures. Confucius is known to the Chinese as ‘Kung Fu-tzu’ ( ) which has been Latinized by Europeans to Confucius. He was born in 551BC amidst the chaos of political instability and constant warring of the Zhou era into a poor family of the lower nobility. Throughout his life he made numerous attempts to gain an office with a prominent ruler willing to implement his concepts, after failing to do so he dedicated his life to teaching and accumulated an impressive amount of disciples, including Mencius and Xunzi. Confucius’ followers took it upon themselves to document and formulate their own interpretations of his interactions and teachings as Confucius never wrote anything down himself. These records of Confucius’ philosophy can now be found in The Analects which has been translated into many languages and sold millions of copies around the world. Xiao or the notion of Filial Piety is probably the most definitive sentiment associated with Confucianism. Xiao is usually highlighted by western interpreters as it does not comply with western values and for this reason was not used as a starting point for promoting Confucianism in the western world. Confucius discusses Xiao in the context of identifying states of order and disorder in society. In a time of constant warfare Confucius conceded that this a social behaviour was due to a lack of Xiao, in The Analects Confucius tells us that a man with filial piety is unlikely to revolt in society or defy the authority of his superiors; â€Å"A man filial to his parents, a good brother, yet apt to go against his superiors – few are like that! †. Confucius gives numerous definitions of Xiao to different students he explains that Xiao is the root of moral excellence. Like a plant, Xiao has to take place at the beginning of one’s life in order for it to flourish; â€Å"The gentleman operates at the root. When the root is firm, then the Way may proceed†. Confucius emphasized that it was imperative for people to develop this notion of Xiao in which younger generations were obliged develop emotional immediacy to their next of kin, an element of devotion was expected. Confucius put great importance in conducting numerous rituals for varying occasions; he found it essential to the well-being of society. Religious activity was geared toward the worshipping of ancestors. When an elder died the children of the deceased were expected to undertake a three year mourning period in which they completed altered their living conditions to bear minimum and did not partake in any social conventions such as work or celebratory events; â€Å"When a gentleman is mourning, he gets no pleasure from eating sweet foods, finds no joy in listening to music, and feels no comfort in his place of dwelling. This is why he gives up these things† Many considered three years to be an excessive period of time as we see when Zai Wo asks Confucius if he can limit the mourning period to one year and Confucius considers him perverse, he explains that only after being fully tended to for three years can one leave their parents’ bosom, parents alter their lives to accommodate the birth and raising of a child regardless of social convention. Similarly in Chinese culture it is thought that when a person dies they enter the spirit world in which they are once again rendered â€Å"new-borns† and need the care and devotion of their descendents to begin life there. It is reciprocity between generations, an exchange of unconditional loyalty and love. Xiao is initially established in these undertakings. Ritual propriety or Li involves perfecting the art of self-governing and restraint, it refers to the secular functions of everyday life such as all formal conduct, from table manners to patterns of greeting and leave-taking, to graduations, weddings, funerals, from gestures of deference to ancestral sacrifices . Li is the mechanism by which one conveys their respect and gratuity to their elders and superiors; it also encompasses how one should act social in order to earn respect and honour in return. It is appropriate behaviour in the sense that it promotes and enhances relationships in a community. This was essential as the social context of the Chinese was focussed on communal living, therefore Confucius tries to instruct people on how to live harmoniously with their families. Everything one says and does is brought into consideration under the concept of ritual propriety; â€Å"Look at nothing in defiance of ritual, listen to nothing in defiance of ritual, speak of nothing in defiance of ritual, never stir hand or foot in defiance of ritual†. The aesthetic aspect of Confucius is not to understand morality and judge but rather become more skilful in engaging the people around you in your endeavours, everyone has a role in society and they must uphold it. Devoting yourself to ritual is not the same as shunning your own desires and emotions; it’s the ability to reconcile one’s own desires amicably within the social context you are occupying. In the Analects Confucius explains that by curbing our own personal agendas we can learn to appreciate the conventions of society which allows it to function harmoniously, he also stresses that with age and experience one can only truly gain this appreciation; â€Å"When I attained the age of fifteen, I became bent on study. At thirty I was a confirmed student. At, nought could move me from my course. At fifty, I comprehended the will and decrees of heaven. At sixty, my ears were attuned (to them). At seventy, I could follow my hearts desires without overstepping the lines of rectitude†. Confucius also stressed the importance of sincerity, he felt that without possessing a genuine interest in the well-being of others whatever ceremonial manners one undertook it would signify nothing. He felt that rites should not be looked upon simply as conventions by which we did things but they should be practiced with complete reverence and honesty; â€Å"He sacrificed to the dead as if they were present. He sacrificed to the spirits as if the spirits were present. The Master said, ‘I consider my not being present at the sacrifice as though there were no sacrifice’ In the tenth book of The Analects we are effectively given the portrait of how one contending with Li should behave. The examples are given under the pretence of Confucius as a person himself and how he conducted himself. They give us direction as how to act appropriately and â€Å"how to serve the spirits to bring about good fortune†. Each passage gives shows us a different scenario and Confucius’ exemplary behaviour in that context, a few examples are; â€Å"While eating he would not converse, and having retired for the night he would not talk†, â€Å"In asking after the well-being of a friend in another state, he would bow twice before sending the messenger on his way†, â€Å"In sleeping he did not assume the posture of a corpse, and when at home alone, he did not kneel in a formal posture as though entertaining guests† and â€Å" On meeting someone in mourning dress, even those on intimate terms, he would invariably take on a solemn appearance. On meeting someone wearing a ceremonial cap or someone who is blind, even though they were frequent acquaintances, he would invariably pay his respects†. These passages made Confucius the epitome of courtliness and personal decorum for succeeding generations of Chinese officials. The final focal point of Confucianism is Ren or Authoritative conduct, references to Ren appear over one hundred times in the Analects. Ren is comprised of two elements, a person and the number two, emphasizing how our own person can only be cultivated through interactions with other people as Herbert Fingarette states; â€Å"For Confucius, unless there are at least two human beings, there can be no human beings†. Ren consists of five basic virtues; seriousness, generosity, sincerity, diligence and kindness. It is the basis of Confucian political theory, he felt that if a ruler lacked Ren it would effectively be impossible for his subjects to act humanely, he believed that people who had this mastered moral excellence inherent to Ren should be put into positions of political power; â€Å"The Master said; If people are proper in personal conduct, others will follow suit without need of command. But if they are not proper, even when they command, others will not obey†. Confucius felt that the political intuitions in his era had completely lost their legitimacy, he felt that this was due to tyrannical behaviour in the sense that those in control lacked certain attributes such as Ren, vital to successfully ruling and were not worthy of the positions they held. We can observe through Confucius the idea that a ruler, whether good or bad has an  effectively contagious effect on his subjects and if he lacks the necessary qualities that deem him worthy to rule, his subjects will similarly lack the qualities that enable them to serve efficiently, everyone most uphold their truthful role in society to achieve harmonious functioning; â€Å"Good government consists of the ruler being a ruler, the minister being a minister, the father being a father, and the son being a son†. To cultivate one’s Ren one might look to Confucius’ ethics of reciprocity and perhaps his most famous teaching of all time, the golden rule which has been taken since the time of Confucius been included as part of numerous different religions and ideologies such as Christianity; â€Å"Do not impose on others what you do not wish for yourself. † Interestingly, unlike Mencius and Xunzi, Confucius did not seem overly concerned about the root of human nature and whether we are innately good or bad but he did say â€Å"Human Beings are similar in their natural tendencies, but vary greatly by virtue of their habits†, implying that Confucius perceived all men to be born with intrinsic value that can be shaped or moulded by study and practice. After reading and analysing The Analects of Confucius I think it’s clearly that it is the three components of Xiao, Li and Ren that are most predominant in his philosophy but that is not to say there weren’t other valuable concepts that are crucial to Confucianism such as Xin (? ) and Yi (? ) but they are beyond the scope of this essay. Confucius Bibliography -Watson, B (2007). The Analects of Confucius. Columbia: Columbia University Press Dawson, M. M (1915). The ethics of Confucius: the sayings of the master and his disciples upon the conduct of the superior man. US: Putnam Riegel, J. (2006). Confucius. Available: http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/confucius/. Last accessed 5/12/11. Ames, R. Hall, D. , (1987), Thinking Through Confucius. Albany: SUNY Press.. Slingerland, E. G (2003). Confucius analects: with selections from traditional commentaries. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing -Confucius, Ames, R. T, Rosemont, H (1999). The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation. : Random House Publishing Group. 51 Name: Shauna O’Mahony Date: 07/11/11 Module: Chinese Philosophy (PH2023) Essay title: Philosophy of Confucius. Word Count: 2,285 [ 1 ]. Watson, B (2007). The Analects of Confucius. Columbia: Columbia University Press (1. 1) [ 2 ]. Watson, B (2007). The Analects of Confucius. Columbia: Columbia University Press (1. 2) [ 3 ]. Watson, B (2007). The Analects of Confucius. Columbia: Columbia University Press (17. 21) [ 4 ]. Confucius, Ames, R. T, Rosemont, H (1999). The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation. : Random House Publishing Group. pg51 [ 5 ]. Watson, B (2007). The Analects of Confucius. Columbia: Columbia University Press (12. 1) [ 6 ]. Watson, B (2007). The Analects of Confucius. Columbia: Columbia University Press (2. 4) [ 7 ]. Watson, B (2007). The Analects of Confucius. Columbia: Columbia University Press (3. 12) [ 8 ]. Confucius, Ames, R. T, Rosemont, H (1999). The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation. Random House Publishing Group. pg51 [ 9 ]. Confucius, Ames, R. T, Rosemont, H (1999). The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation. : Random House Publishing Group. (10. 10) [ 10 ]. Confucius, Ames, R. T, Rosemont, H (1999). The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation. : Random House Publishing Group. (10. 15) [ 11 ]. Confucius, Ames, R. T, Rosemont, H (1999). The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation. : Random House Publishing Group. (10. 24) [ 12 ]. Confucius, Ames, R. T, Rosemont, H (1999). The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation. : Random House Publishing Group. (10. 25) [ 13 ]. Confucius, Ames, R. T, Rosemont, H (1999). The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation. : Random House Publishing Group. Pg 48 [ 14 ]. Confucius, Ames, R.T, Rosemont, H (1999). The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation. : Random House Publishing Group. (13. 6) [ 15 ]. Confucius, Ames, R. T, Rosemont, H (1999). The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation. : Random House Publishing Group. (12. 11) [ 16 ]. Confucius, Ames, R. T, Rosemont, H (1999). The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation. : Random House Publishing Group. (15. 24) [ 17 ]. Confucius, Ames, R. T, Rosemont, H (1999). The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation. : Random House Publishing Group. (17. 2).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Development Changes of Renal Tubules

Development Changes of Renal Tubules Development changes of Renal Tubules from Neonates to Adults for its function Introduction Term infant means a newborn child within 28 days after birth. Nephrone is the functional and structural unit of kidney. Each nephron is made up of narrow tube that specializes in ( renal tubule ) secretion and reabsorption pre-filter unit ( renal corpuscle ). It provides a small solutes and water in tubule structure, renal corpuscle excludes solutes from blood. these renal tubules does not function in adult levels at neonatal period. Because at birth, kidney is immature. It develops with age and reaches to the adult functioning level after some time. This short analytical essay describes about the development of the renal tubules from neonates to adults for its function: that means how the renal tubules develop and adapt to their function with age. 1. Who is Infant? From the Latin meaning of infans or can not tell and say , infant is very young children of a human or animal. If you apply in person, this term is usually considered equal to the child. It may be to learn that human child walks, is used in place long walks . Term infants will be used for infants up to the age of the moon 12 months and one month usually. However, it is possible to define the birth, it varies between 2 years and birth, or between one year. Child for several hours at only very young, several days, or up to a few weeks ago. In medical condition, ( from the Latin, neonatus, newborn ) newborns and infants, in the first 28 days after birth, it means infant, this term applies hypermature Early Childhood, infant, full -term infants . 2. Functions of the kidney Excretion of waste The kidneys excrete the various products of waste by metabolism. These include, ,, nitrogenous wastes called urea from protein catabolism, such as uric acid, such as this from nucleic acid metabolism. The formation of urine, it is the function of the kidney. Accumulation of nitrogenous waste in the urine of birds and some mammals, rely on elaborate countercurrent multiplication system. This requires the nephron function of the independent functions of several . Re- absorption of essential nutrients Glucose plasma levels, re- absorption in the proximal tubule is completely normal. Is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule, amino acids are sodium-dependent transporter . Acid-base homeostasis Maintain the acid-base homeostasis is to maintain the pH value near the organ systems of the two kidneys, lungs, stabilized. Very important role of the two in the maintenance of acid-base balance and kidney : Re- absorption of bicarbonate from the urine, to discharge the hydrogen ions in the urine Regulation of blood pressure Kidney can not be used to directly detect blood, but long term control of blood pressure is dependent on the kidney mainly. The size of, is performed via the maintenance of theextracellular water compartment depends on the plasma sodium concentration this . Hormone secretion And kidney secret type of hormones such as erythropoietin, enzyme renin. ( Low levels of oxygen at the tissue level ) release erythropoietin in response to hypoxia in renal circulation. It is to stimulate the ( production of red blood cells ), red blood cell production in the bone marrow . 3. Nephron Renal corpuscle Configure the Bowmans capsule and glomerulus, renal corpuscle is the commencement of the nephron. It filters the parts of the original nephron. Tubule It is a part of the nephron, including water filtration cylindrical through glomerulus.After through the tubule of the renal tubules, and continues to collect, the duct system that is not part of the nephron is the filtrater. Function of the renal tubules, is listed on the page XX Collecting duct system The first part is a small tube connection system of collecting duct, it provides the flow-through for each distal tubule. Collection of the duct system begins with the renal cortex and medulla to the deep. Urine so that down the collection duct system, passes the gap marrow with a high sodium concentration because the loop of henle is a countercurrent multiplier system. Juxtaglomerular apparatus Angiotensin system production of the enzyme renin involvement and juxtaglomerular apparatus is a specialized area of nephron cause of renin secretion to . 4. Functions of various segments of Renal Tubule The type of renal tubule, and is part of the filtration nephron from the glomerulus. It is composed of the following elements: 1 .proximal convoluted tubule 2. Loop of Henle divided into three: thin descending limb loop thick ascending limb 3. Distal tubule 4.Collecting duct Proximal tubule (PCT) In the first part of the renal tubule, near corpusle kidney, which is lying on the cortex of the kidney. The filtered water from the Bowman capsule enters the proximal tubule. Has a brush border, which has been designed to cubiodal epithelium. It has eosinophilic cytoplasm due to the number of mitochondria . Work of PCT PCT is, H2O If you re- absorb 2/ 3 ( percent 65-80 and Na) or, filtered glucose, and this is, to re- absorb all amino acids Na glucose is re- absorbed by the co-transport of Glu The section, I resorb potassium bicarbonate, calcium phosphate Thin descending loop (TDL) I reabsorb water (H 2 O) passively it is impermeable to sodium (Na) I will allow a hypertonic urine in the TDL, urine is concentrated Thick ascending loop  and, in this part of the loop, CL and K is reabsorbed actively This does not transmit H2O In this section, urine is a low concentration Distal tubule This part of the tubules are lined with a simple cubic epithelium with Musuri-ko edge The re- absorption of sodium chloride actively , This secrete hydrogen ion and ammonium ion . be part of the juxtaglomerular apparatus Collecting duct Is on the CD, and is performed through the cortex to the medulla and leads to renal papilla. The epithelium is different in cubic columnar epithelium with ( almost nipple ). This is the last part of the renal tubule. It has two types of cells . 5. The Renal Function in Neonates Compared with adults, renal function, and is changed newborns. Complete structure in terms of the number of nephrons of 36 weeks, but the baby of the kidney is functionally immature still. Renal function is subject to rapid maturation in postbirth during the first week of both of preterm infants with time. Because I control the balance of water and electrolytes at that time, a small amount, because of the extremely low birth weight infants, and there was especially. Overhydration, dehydration, and the biggest risk for children, contains the electrolyte imbalance . It is possible to maintain a normal state, the homeostasis of the kidney after birth. However, infants early, most can be less, which is to maintain the water balance of the normal electrolyte, or bicarbonate. To maintain homeostasis, the control of renal blood flow and glomerular filtration plays an important role in determining the ability of the kidney. The biggest factor that determines the renal function is probably maturity. Renal formation, up to 34 weeks of pregnancy is not complete. In particular, under the glomerular filtration, and absorption and filtration of the kidney, which has a significant effect on the hormone-sensitive nephron control . 6. Renal Function of the Elderly Including glomerulosclerosis a decrease in size of the kidney, increased vascular changes and arterioles, the type of anatomical defect in the aging kidney, have been identified. Also physical changes, including a decrease in renal blood flow, decreased glomerular filtration rate, tubular framework of the kidney, the shape of the endocrine renal function, are described. From one point of treatment by a physician or disease, clinical outcome of these changes is the ability of the kidney -shaped age to cope with stress. Vigilance and special care is needed when you take care of the elderly . 7. Renal Function in Relation to the age In comparison, the growth and food intake of adults in maintaining the biochemical stable environment, when it is more important for infants than kidneys. Infants, kidneys are developing with the normal function of the ` s properly. However, it is very adaptable to emergency THN in adults. It is not present in urine excrection rhythm birth of a normal adult. These have been developed within a few years. GFR is a baby less than adults. However, the proportion of adult products and to compare, this low GFR is enough to excrete a small amount . 8. Structural changes of Kidney with age The number of structural change takes place in the kidney of aging. Kidney of aging is characterized in that the number of news kidney, vascular sclerosis, hyaline artery disease, hardening of glomerular increases, tissue fibrosis and renal tubules is lost. Pathogenesis of structural changes associated with aging are not fully understood. Both the hemodynamic factors and genetic background, are associated with the development of physical changes associated with age. Structural changes in the aging kidney, is a non-specific, diabetes and be seen in many situations, including high blood pressure, such as a, and, can, is a diagnosis of exclusion is arterionephrosclerosis aging Decline associated with aging, host of the structure and function of the kidney. Might disrupt the assessment of the impact of aging on renal function, appreciation and selection of the population, the problem, methodological, which led to the re-evaluation of recent. Well as a decrease in renal function protected areas, the common denominator of these changes, is the subject of kidney of either excess or defect of constraints and the ability to respond appropriately. These changes, to achieve clinical significance when the residual renal function was challenged by the superposition of acute disease, under the conditions of day-to-day, but there is likely to have a major clinical results. Finally, often amplify these drawbacks whereby, elderly patients should be emphasized may be a change in the aging and addition, can co-morbidities, such as heart disease or high blood pressure, suffer . 9. Functional changes of Kidney with Growth Renal function, started the development of a program ,It continues to evolve in the first year of life Full adult rate. Under this process, the responsible kidney Changes and to provide renal function during childhood, in particular the Characteristics. Human kidney to begin the development in five Started production of urine between the pregnancy and the 10th week 12 weeks of gestation. It was completed in around the 36 week from 35 to newborn long-term kidney formation, but are born with a nephron all of its What is not a case of one of the initial born before, Renal formation is complete. Entire process of fetal kidney The progress to be regulated by many genes have recently been shown For example, as cytokines and growth factors such gene products and, Intrauterine environment itself in a special process known as, Epigenetics. Kidney regulates homeostasis to the basic operation of the two, Glomerular and tubular. It is the work of all neonatal although neonatalkidneys flaws and i s equipped with, Of them to develop a physiological process, is severely limited The response to stress. Infants having a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) Was increased stepwise to achieve, the low and 20 ml/min/1.73 m ², at birth Adult levels at 18 months. Completely new nephron has not been played in childhood, but is available in sizes from increasing, I mature in the workplace. Tubular function and glomeruli, but may mature level Between 12-18 months, kidney child maintaining a low capacity for dealing with residual Susceptible to trauma of childhood .Started developing early, renal function, twisted creature Evolution in the first few years of his life full, to adults Level. Under this process, is responsible for changes giving kidney Kidney Function in the reputation of his childhood and childhood somewhat. But From, the main challenge for developing kidney events of the migration I adjust the uterus to life outside the womb, the homeostasis of the continuous for Organisms c hildhood and growing during childhood are also sought . 10. Developmental changes of Renal Tubules for it`s Function If you have corrected the size of the body, starting in stages it, remains relatively constant 4 of life up to 10 years old, shows the age of 1 year and kidney capacity fully functional, standard of renal function a decline in the use of age-related indicators, the glomerular filtration rate such. Be predicted without knowledge of the exact mechanisms involved Avoid reabsorption and tubular secretion of positive and negative ions in order to provide an opportunity for drug interactions is difficult. Data to support the development changes in the net tubular secretion of several items. For digoxin, clearance of digoxin observed in children during puberty, most of the creatinine clearance is reduced at a rate under consideration in adults, this decrease, and more mature than the age of the annual, and more there is a good correlation. Renal excretion of metabolites and active drug and a very important medicine provides important clinical information definition of the mechanism of renal tubular net . In preterm infants, secretion tubular reabsorption and organic acids certain amino acids, and potassium hydrogen ion is a relatively immature at birth in particular, was increased as a function of postnatal age. As part of the animal and continuous, immature state, on the other hand, the ability of phosphate reabsorption is enhanced when you adapt to their environment. In the case of glucose, under 34 weeks, transport system is relatively mature at the time of the infants so during pregnancy. One, as well as the treatment of pharmacological preterm infants tubular transport amino acids development, potassium, phosphorus, and nutrition, in the evaluation of long-term, you need to consider organic acid, these changes. Adult levels is different from ability and dilution capacity of the urine should be considered. To dilute the ability to be in the ability to take into account the fact that normal adult level three months and level of adult 14th. The ability to excrete water load reached adulthood at the end of January. Inability to concentrate urine at the level of the adult is due to it is impossible to correspond to the ADH The inherited microtubules and a small amount of ureThis article has reviewed the maturation of major renal tubular transport systems. The tubular reabsorption of certain amino acids and the secretion of organic acids, hydrogen ions, and potassium increases as a function of postnatal age, being relatively immature at birth, especially in the preterm infant. In contrast, the ability for phosphate reabsorption is enhanced during the immature state as the developing animal attempts to adapt to its environment. In the case of glucose, the transport system is relatively mature in the term infant and less so in the infant of less than 34 weeks gestation. One should consider these developmental changes in the renal tubular transport of amino acids, potassium, phosphate, and organic acids in the nutritional assessment and pharmacologic treatment of p reterm as well as term infants. References Guyton, Arthur C.; Hall, John E. (2006). Textbook of Medical Physiology. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders. P. Maton, Anthea; Jean Hopkins, Charles William McLaughlin, Susan Johnson, Maryanna Quon Warner, David LaHart, Jill D. Wright (1993). Human Biology and Health. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall. Jameson, J. Larry Loscalzo, Joseph (2010) .Harrison`s nephrology and acid base disorders. McGraw- Hill Professional. p.3 Walter F., PhD. Boron. Medical Physiology: A Cellular And Molecular Approaoch. Elsevier/Saunders. P. 743. Developmental changes in renal tubular func [J Adolesc Health. 1994] PubMed NCBI Renal function in the neonate. 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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Methods for Maintaining Order in International Society Essay examples -

Methods for Maintaining Order in International Society    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. The Declaration of Independence of the United States at its outset declares the collective goals that we Americans share as a society and the means by which these goals shall be defended. In the United States, we are interested in the well-being of individual Americans, and believe that everyone is equal and should have the right to â€Å"Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.† Moreover, governments are instituted at the federal1, state, and local level to defend these rights. Like American society, the international society of sovereign states has goals that it seeks to accentuate. According to Hedley Bull, author of The Anarchical Society, there are four such primary goals. The first, Bull states, is to preserve â€Å"the system and society† of sovereign states itself (Bull 16). Secondary to this is preservation of the sovereignty of individual states, followed in importance by maintenance of peace as a normal state of affairs (17-18). Lastly, the society seeks goals that Bull claims are â€Å"common goals of all social life: limitation of violence resulting in death or bodily harm, the keeping of promises, and the stabilization of possession by rules of property† (18-19). Like American society, the international society has common goals that its members seek to attain. But unlike the United States, the Westphalian system does not have... ...7. Claude, Inis L., Jr. â€Å"Collective Security as an Approach to Peace.† Classical Readings of International Relations. Ed. Phil Williams, Donald M. Goldstein, and Jay M. Shafritz. Belmont [CA]: Wadsworth, 1994. 210-220. The Declaration of Independence. Philadelphia: 1776. Kegley, Charles W., Jr. and Eugene R. Wittkopf. World Politics: Trend and Transformation. 6th ed. New York: St. Martin’s, 1996. Organski, A.F.K. â€Å"Criticism of Balance of Power Theory.† Classical Readings of International Relations. Ed. Phil Williams, Donald M. Goldstein, and Jay M. Shafritz. Belmont [CA]: Wadsworth, 1994. 206-209. Pentland, Charles. â€Å"International Organizations and Their Roles.† Coursepack article. Fall Semester 1996: MC 220. Ed. Mohammed Ayoob. East Lansing: Budget Printing, 1996. 96-99. Stern, Geoffrey. The Structure of International Relations. New York: Pinter, 1995.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cross I Lab Report

The purpose of this experiment was to determine if two selected traits of Drosophila melanogaster, dumpy wings and sepia eyes, follow Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance through the F2 generation. Materials and Methods In week one, two crosses were set up. Dumpy females were crossed with sepia males, while dumpy males were crossed with sepia females. The dumpy phenotype consisted of shorter, smaller wings while the sepia phenotype consisted of brown eye color. For these crosses, all females were virgins. These crosses were the P1 generation.These crosses were then incubated until week two. ?In week two, the parents were removed and disposed of. The eggs and larve were left to continue the cross. The crosses were left to continue to incubate until the following week. ?In week three, the flies emerging from each cross of the P1 generation were counted, separated into male and female, and then further separated into phenotype. This marked the completion of the P1 generation. The F1 cros ses were then begun. They were set up in there different ways.In Cross A, F1 females were paired with F1 males. In cross B, F1 virgin females were paired with dumpy sepia males. In the last cross, Cross C, dumpy sepia virgin females were crossed with F1 males. In crosses B and C, only virgin females were used. The virgin females used were obtained from the P1 crosses. Dumpy sepia virgins were acquired from a source outside the experiment. The crosses were left to incubate until week four. ?Week four proceeded much like week two, with the parents being removed and discarded.The eggs and larve were left undisturbed to continue the cross. They were allowed to incubate until the final week, week five. ?In the final week, week five, the flies emerging from the F2 crosses and the backcross were counted, separated into male and female, and then further separated into phenotype just as week three. The crosses were then disposed of. Results F1 x F1 Cross Raw Data Wt Dp Se dpse M F M F M F M F Table 1 26 19 8 9 7 11 2 4 Table 2 Table 3 39 43 7 10 16 25 1 3 Table 4 34 56 17 13 16 16 3 6 Total 99 118 32 32 39 52 6 13

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Dramatic events Essay Example

Dramatic events Essay Example Dramatic events Essay Dramatic events Essay All three female characters being discussed all possess characteristics that help them survive through crisis despite societies opposition. In order to successfully defend their loved ones the female characters use common sense, flexibility, and quick thinking to steer themselves clearly away from further trouble. Medea has an advantage over Nora and Mrs. Linde because she is a powerful sorceress and has experience in plotting against her enemies even prior to her plot to avenge Jason. Since she is cunning she also thought and acted more cautiously. She knows exactly when to exert more power and when to play a foolish (Euripedes, p.89) woman to get what she wants from Aegeus, Jason, and Creon. Nora, in contrast, is obviously more sheltered than Medea because both her father and husband have treated her like a doll (Ibsen, p.226) for so long. Fortunately, she learns quickly and manages to find odd jobs to help her pay off her debt. She knows how to manipulate Torvald to get what she wants. Nora pouts like a child if she does not get her way or acts like Torvalds little songbird (p.223) to get her way . Her quick thinking in forging her fathers signature on the loan agreement is praiseworthy as well. She may have been arrested for doing so but it undoubtedly saved Torvalds life. Mrs. Linde is also wise in deciding she will have a greater chance of finding a job in a larger city. She is flexible and humble enough to ask for Noras help in finding a job. In addition, Mrs. Lindes judgement is fair. She does not become biased listening to Noras or Kronstads accounts regarding the blackmail issue. Instead, she looks at both sides of the story before choosing the best way to help solve this problem. Without common sense, flexibility, and quick thinking, the female characters would not have easily protected their loved ones. Most people have pride and they feel even more proud if they achieve something great. The women in these plays are proud as well. Medeas overwhelming pride is evident when she refuses to take Jasons money. She is confident that she can escape to safety using her own methods. She feels proud that she has gained her revenge and Jason is ruined at last. Likewise, Nora beams with pride as she describes to Mrs. Linde how she managed financially to pay off her debts and contributes to assisting her husband. Mrs. Linde has every right to be [proud] (p.159) that she is [making her] Mothers last days a little easier (p.159) and raising her brothers even if she has worked so very hard to achieve this end. Her choice of not remarrying someone rich shows that she is content with working independently to support her family. When the women in these plays initiate the tasks to help their families they are doing it through instinct and are not motivated by any other incentives. Their rewards are more valuable than money for they are able to obtain pride and the sense of accomplishment. The courageous acts that Medea, Nora, and Mrs. Linde have done to help others are triggered by dramatic events that are extremely realistic. The abandoning of a wife or family financial crisis could happen to women around the world as well as those in the play. There is certainly more assistance available for modern women in places like Canada in times of crisis, but that does not mean women are becoming more dependent. What were thought of as male characteristics in the plays are simply human characteristics and have simply been well adapted by modern women and by the female characters mentioned. Their accomplishments are admirable and demonstrate womens vast ability to adapt to change.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Coffee shop business in India Essays

Coffee shop business in India Essays Coffee shop business in India Essay Coffee shop business in India Essay Coffee parlous in India hooting up Question 1) With coffee being the hot beverage in India. The consumption of coffee in in India is done in south of India The concept of a cafe © today is not merely about selling coffee, but about developing a national brand Barista : growth : Barista coffee was establishes in 1999 with the aim of identifying growth opportunities in the coffee business. Increasing disposable incomes and global trends in coffee indicate immense growth potential in one particular segment. Barista exists in over 22 cities, and operates over 140 outlets nationally. In the last 2 years, Barista has opened over 00 outlets in the country and with a new outlet opening nationally everywhere. Barista has very wide variety of product to offer from Arabian coffee to Brazilian coffee seeds. Not only coffee but also in teas Assam chaw, Adrenaline tea to early grey, and in eatables and sides it has coffee rolls, walnut brownie. It has chocolate chip muffins etc . It has maximum of the items to satisfy a short time hunger. And satisfy the taste buds for all kind. They also merchandise they products like tiramisu flavor , coffee mugs. Every month it introduced and focused on a particular type of coffee. The idea was to change customers occasional indulgence and make it a habit and educate them about the original coffees. T also developed store-in-store concept by focusing on themes that compliment coffee, such as music, books and art. Barista entered into marketing tie-ups with planet M, crossword and Ebony to set up it Espressos at the corner. It also wanted to enter into co-branded marketing tie-ups with several banks for credit cards. Barista entered home brew segment with freshly grounded coffee. Barista planned to tie-up with BAN Omar for opening Bankable. This concept helps to bank at leisure enabling customers to visit the bank after banking hours on any day in an informal and friendly environment. T even tied up with BPCS to open coffee kiosks. Baristas adopted a strategy on which it segmented itself to the elite class. This class has high potential because these people associate with anything that is of status symbol. Barista choose this segment contains people with big designations like Doctors, Coos and people belonging to elite class. They like to be in a place which is classy and luxurious like Barista. This segment has high attention. CDC: Cafe © Coffee Day offered an informal ambiance with bright and eye-catching interiors. Visitors could sip coffee, browse the internet, conduct business meetings or Just while away time with friends. Cafe Coffee Day was well looked as a hangout for college crowd and teenagers. It is youth based . It also displayed young artist panting on walls which attracted young crowd more. In 2001, a new logo was chosen leaving the old one which was bit old fashioned. The interior were redesigned and new menu was also introduced along with the new crockery. The baseline also changed to A lot an happen over coffee. Musical events were organized to attract youth. Cafe © jockey was introduced which selected children above 1 errs and gave them 1 week training. Cafe Coffee Days also targeted other locations like corporate houses, airport, competitors. Cafe Coffee Day positioned itself as a mass market brand, mint-metros were also added to its list. It targeted the middle class, upper middle class, house wives and students. The prices are less compared to the other two. This segment has high potential and great buying power and has great market share. Swiss: Swiss treated was that to make their customers make them feel comfortable and have fun. The staff at Swiss was trained to understand body language. They were very frankly with the customers. Swiss objective was to target the young at heart that were looking for fun and relaxation. They offered different varieties of coffee. Customers were given a choice of drinks that were not common in India. It had a separate vending area for chocolate products. Swiss coffee pubs were located at strategic points which were frequented by youth. Swiss pubs were located at intersection of odds in a corner were two side of cafe © were made of glasses and faced the road. It even had coffee making machines for sale and also a trainer to teach how to make perfect espresso. It also planned to launch ready to drink coffee sachets. Their prices were based on the real-estate prices in that particular area. Swiss positioned itself as a place were people can come for fun and relaxation it targeted people who having fun and young at heart. People who were quite interactive and friendly were appointed as staff to make their customers feel comfortable and while away their time. It was a place to hangout. The strategy adopted by Barista would suit the Indian market. Barista came up with uniqueness in its interior with Indian neighborhood. It also offered several services along with serving coffee. Several international varieties of coffees are served in Barista. The ambiance was great. The perfect Italian varieties of coffees were served with brew masters from Italy. They came up with single origin coffees and attracted with the niche set of consumers. Many varieties of coffees are served in Barista people feel very comfortable. It also serves food items like pastries, sandwiches. People started thinking that Barista has come a status symbol. So they wanted to associate themselves with Barista. Its planning to go international into many countries. Its even planning to co brand with several banks for credit cards. People of India always wanted something new and different. So Baristas strategy perfectly suits the Indian market. Question 2) Barista concentrates on youth segment where as Scuds concentrated on Mass market and Swiss concentrated on the youth in the age group of 18-30. F we see the ambiance and the way service was given in Barista, it is completely different from what is being done by CDC or Swiss. Bright ambiance with music, games like chess to play and even if the customer doesnt want to drink can come and relax there. This was a strategy because they knew youth would definitely feel awkward to sit for few minutes and g o, instead they would order something to drink and they had variants in every month which made the youth to try everything new out there. Scuds had their own mass targeted market which also had unique ambiance and the main innovation when they adopted internet system inside the cafe ©. The customers could use internet inside the cafe © without paying more for it and as the target was mass arrest, it attracted many businessmen who could do meetings there where as there was a bell which could be rang by the customers if they are happy. Even though it looked small this idea worked really well for them. These small changes which the players did worked as a potential for them and it did not Just innovate but it also opened a new way of thinking for the other competitors in this particular segment. The potential of targeting the youth may be that , they will frequently visit the cafe © as most of them will be college going and the potential of taking Mass segmenting of Scuds is that they can easily capture people of all ages which is inefficient in many ways for them so that they will not Just rely on one particular market or target. Question 3) With Cutbacks and other coffee retailers who want to enter into the Indian market, these Indian retailers would have to really concentrate on developing a competitive advantage. According to me CDC is best equipped to take on the increased level of competition. And CDC is the makers leader in the coffee industry. Comparatively than barista or quizs They are not going to be in the same market segment as Cutbacks the latter being more expensive and not so open to the masses. Taking this into consideration they will not greatly be affected by the entry of foreign players, as they would be catering to 2 different segments of coffee drinkers. Barista on the other hand who are currently catering to the premium section would probably feel the hit more, they would be replaced by Cutbacks and others for people who want a premium coffee experience. They would have to come up with a different strategy now to sustain themselves in the market. Question 4) Yes, intense competition in the coffee retailing business is likely to create or cause a consolidation. Consolidation is nothing but a collaboration with another impasses. This would avoid weak coffee firms from collapsing in the market. Entry of foreign players, this would lead to domestic chains to go for partnerships, strategic tie ups and MAs. By combining with other players in the market, they would be able to compensate for any shortcomings that would be existing in each others firm, and work together to be stronger and beat the competition that would be present in the market. According to the case CDC is already gearing up to face competition by consolidating with Alga gr oup, Barista collaborated with Data Coffee after the entrance of Star bucks in the market

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Teleological Argument Essay

Teleological Argument Essay Teleological Argument Essay The Teleological Argument for the existence of God is positioned firmly on fairly solid ground. However, this solid ground may have a few splinters. The basis of the argument relies on the intricate nature of the universe and the life that inhabits this Earth, claiming that since everything that is around us works in such a complex, organized, and nearly perfect manner, there must be an intelligent designer behind these works of nature. The first three premises state that human artifacts have purpose, or intelligent design, and that nature resembles these artifacts by having organization and function, only significantly more intricate than human artifacts. It is supported even within science by looking at how delicate life is, and that even if something as small as the size of neurons and protons were not the exact proportion as they are, life would be impossible. Some argue this thesis in accordance to Darwinian evolution, saying that there is no intelligent design, but rather a ran dom process of trial and error. This can be negated, as the book explains, by suggesting evolution’s trial and error to be the design. I can accept this rebuttal. What I have a problem with most is how the Teleological Argument can explain something like extinction, specifically the annihilation of dinosaurs. An intelligent designer would not make an entire group of inhabitants for this planet, a group that took a lot of time, organization, and even evolution to come into existence, just to

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Quantitive Article Anaylsis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Quantitive Article Anaylsis - Assignment Example The study aimed at finding out the effects of artefacts for teams that are working on innovation tasks. In this regard, the study focused on the creativity and collaboration applied in the development of innovative business models. To make the research more comprehensive, the following research questions were employed; The study ought to propose a model that would explain the impacts of artefacts on team processes in the creation of business model ideas. It further posits that the artefacts have positive impacts on team creativity and collaboration. To expound the above stated aspects, the study formulated the following hypotheses: Thirty managers from Switzerland acted as subjects in the study. They worked in groups of five individuals ((Eppler, Hofmann & Bresciani, 2011). All the groups were required to create an innovative model for the newspaper industry. The subjects had the same instruction and were assigned randomly to the managers. The subjects were given questionnaires to collect data from a given population, and write down their perceptions on collaboration and creativity within their team. The experiment had three conditions. The first one was a control condition in which subjects utilised PowerPoint slide to gather ideas. The second one was a treatment condition, which constituted of office supply objects that acted as stimuli. The third one was a treatment condition that had a business model template, which is essential in mapping the software environment (Frischer & Pigneur, 2012). The dependent variable of collaboration wa measured by telling the subjects to assess their perceived team collabora tion, through filling a questionnaire. Creativity was measured through the use of self – developed scale so as to evaluate perception of participants based on innovative research. The study analysed the data by comparing means of various groups. In addition, the study conducted an ‘analysis of variance (ANOVA)’ so as

Friday, October 18, 2019

Article analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Article analysis - Essay Example These are the United Kingdom’s power declined in the 19th century following the two major world wars. France power declined and the late 17th century. The adversaries of these two prominent nations exploited the tectonic monetary changes to adopt military and organizational inventions to enhance their rise and merged alliances to monitor domination. Layne predicts that America will experience a similar phenomenon like what befall United Kingdom and France. According to the author, United States will experience multipolarity in the period 2000-2010. Although the subject on unipolarity was handled almost at the end of the given time period, Layne holds that United States power remains supreme. Nevertheless, he disagrees that America is in some way immune to realists’ views, eventually concluding that Washington ought to espouse to a constrained â€Å"off-shore balancing† policy instead of wasting its might trying to control the globe. Review Realist view of interna tional relations sees global politics and interactions as being propelled by individual interests of countries. This view perceives nations struggle for supremacy in order to enhance and preserve their economic and military wellbeing in rivalry with other nations. This view was portrayed by America’s invasion of Iraq in 2003, which critic’s of Layne agree with. America used its military might to uphold the realists’ view. However, questions arise as to whether Iraq’s incursion by United States made sense. In the Washington post, Ignatius (2013) holds that invading Iraq in a bid to topple the then Iraqi’s president Saddam Hussein was one of the biggest policy mistake in the contemporary American history. Such decision by America saw an increase in international actors condemning its act marking the emergence of criticism against America’s misuse of its global power. In addition, United States invaded Afghanistan after the September 11 attack, though the rivalry seems to date back in 1979 during the cold war era. As the era of the cold war came to an end, some scholars and analysts saw the emergence of modern cold war era by the United States. The actions of United States make it appear more like an heir of the cold war. The United States emerged as the global power among the preeminent participants of the cold war. However, the country needed to show and exercise worldwide leadership in order to uphold and preserve its standing as the global leader and superpower. These incursions are criticized as they go against the United Nations charter. The open criticism of United States action is a clear sign that America’s unipolar moment is indeed coming to an end as Layne asserts. In the recent past, actions of United States and other world players perfectly present the fulfillment of Layne’s assertion that great powers are starting to rival America through hard and soft balancing of power. Technological, economi c, and political actions of other world powers just reinforces Layne’s point of view that unipolar moment of the United States is ending soon. For illustration, China is emerging as a United States rival in economic might. During the global recession that hit America hard, China’s economy was expanding. India and China economies have recently been distinguished as the main global powers countering United States. Seib, (2012) in his opinion in the New

Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 8

Research Paper Example The OFCCP is assisting the Department of Labor (DOL) like three other major programs Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Office of Labor Management Standards, Office of Workers Compensation Programs and the Wage and Hour Division to address the diverse employment, compensation and labor issues. Assessed on the Porter’s framework OFCCP competitive advantage was found satisfactory based on the services offered to the society and the level of its performance as compared to other services providers in the market. Businesses registered with federal government have a contractual binding to ensure compliance with government resolve to provide equal opportunities of employment to all job seekers and wage earner. The purpose of Office of the Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) is to ensure that businesses are fulfilling the contractual requirements with Federal Government. OFCCP may also assist businesses for compliance through a variety of steps that may include technical assistance, compliance evaluations, reconciliations, monitoring and assistance in the recruitment of skilled and qualified workers. Moreover, OFCCP will ensure enforcement of law in case of contract violation and will provide relief to victims. (DOL, 2011) The most difficult management challenge is to provide the compliance assistance to OFCCP clients. These clients may include employers, workers, job seekers, wage earners and retired individuals. Providing such assistance to the clients is challenging because it needs to get in touch with each individual and provide him with the professional advice in the light of laws administered by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs. The subjectivity in each case may need detailed deliberations and insight into the case before the management can ascertain the onus and degree of discrimination committed, penalty of

A Comparison Between the Hmong Shamanism and Num Chai, the Healing Essay

A Comparison Between the Hmong Shamanism and Num Chai, the Healing Dance of Kung San - Essay Example Nu’m Chai which is the Kung San healing dance, is performed from dusk to dawn. Dancers etch their round path around the fire to the resonance of musical singing and clapping. During the singing and clapping, a number of the dancers keel over; yelling and try to dash into the fire but others hold them back. A number of the dancers may bleed from the nostrils while experiencing sharp bodily ache that prompts them to go into distinctive physical postures. Afterwards, several dancers scream out verbal abuse at the spirits of the departed who prowl in the shadows of the night (Ryan 15). In both rituals, the shaman is the conventional healer selected by the spirits who diagnose and treat the illnesses. He does so by traveling both worlds and restoring a person’s health. Secondly, there is an element of the shamans getting into a state of trance. They do so in order to cross between the two worlds and communicate with the spirits (Ryan 16). Thirdly, the shamans have to get rid of the evil spirits and forces that cause the sickness and restore health. Fourthly, the shamans chant to get into the state of trance. The chanting forms a connection with the spirits as the shaman has to call them. Lastly, there is an element of music in both rituals. Hmong shamans have drumming which marks the beginning of the journey and rattles to help summon the spirits. In the Nu’m Chai, singing and clapping accompany the dancing (Ryan 17). The rituals provide the need for emotional connection between the spirit world and the humans. The humans believe the connection between well being and sickness to the spirits that have to be appeased. Secondly, both rituals provide a sense of community and belonging to which members can identify with. This is beneficial to members who receive health after sickness and improve both

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Compare the causes of European, African, and Asian emigrations to Essay

Compare the causes of European, African, and Asian emigrations to North America - Essay Example Pulling factors include job opportunities, religious and political reference. The essay will try to discuss the causes of different races to North America and the reasons for immigrations. â€Å"Migration is not always voluntary† (Dahlman and Renwick 235). For instance, Africa America migration to the North America was due to conflict in South America. African Americans migration was suffering under the Jim Crow laws that segregated blacks from the white. After the civil war, cotton prices depreciated in the South as the weevils destroyed most of the crop that highly affected the economy causing African America to migrate to the North. Some countries got rid of unwanted prisoners by taking them to other countries, the prisoners however settled in these areas, as they could not go back to their countries. Millions of people left Europe during the time of empire and colonies and settled in North America. â€Å"This emigration was driven by the rapid growth of the European population during its demographic transition† (Dahlman and Renwick 241). Harsh living conditions in their original homes contributed to the migration. There was unending famine in some parts of Europe due to harsh weather conditions and this highly contributed to the migration. Asian birthrate and poor economic growth pushed more people to North America where the economic was booming. Most Asians relocated to North America looking for peace because of the World War 1. North America changed rapidly due to the migration. â€Å"European exploration and settlement had a devastating effect on the indigenous peoples, meaning native populations† (Dahlman and Renwick 244). For instance, they natives had a low immunity to diseases carried by the immigrants, which cause a high death rate in the first century. The immigration causes intolerance attitude from the natives and this caused immigrant is put in smaller reservations. Many native intermarried with the immigrants,

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 23

Report - Essay Example From the concerted effort, I made during financial planning and subsequently presenting this report to you, presents Yorkshire Building Society with an opportunity to grow its revenues at a more accelerated pace. Through this financial plan, you have been presented with the numerical logic for decision making. In addition, it serves to show the Yorkshire Building Society’s Board where the need to employ its resources for maximum returns and costs management. Through efficient financial management, Yorkshire Building Society, through its Board, will be able to set aside enough funds for marketing this new venture, expanding its operations to bring about more growth. Through this plan, I specifically addressed the required start-up costs, breakeven analysis, forecasted profit and loss, forecasted cash flow, and projected balance sheet. Additionally, financial ratios were conducted to show the expected performance. Having a good financial plan is a good starting point for answering the critical and fundamental questions on how much it will cost Yorkshire Building Society to get the venture started. The plan by Yorkshire Building Society to start a new business requires that it determines its budgetary needs in a critical manner. Since every business is unique from each other, it has its particular monetary needs at various stages of it development. In estimating the initial capital outlay, I considered the size of our company since there does not exist any universal approach for estimating the start-up costs. Some investment would require considerable investment in equipment and inventory. Additionally, there will be costs involved in the acquisition of the new store in Leeds. Some of the costs that Yorkshire Building Society will incur will be one-off costs as is the case with the new store and the fee for the new venture. Other costs will

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

A Comparison Between the Hmong Shamanism and Num Chai, the Healing Essay

A Comparison Between the Hmong Shamanism and Num Chai, the Healing Dance of Kung San - Essay Example Nu’m Chai which is the Kung San healing dance, is performed from dusk to dawn. Dancers etch their round path around the fire to the resonance of musical singing and clapping. During the singing and clapping, a number of the dancers keel over; yelling and try to dash into the fire but others hold them back. A number of the dancers may bleed from the nostrils while experiencing sharp bodily ache that prompts them to go into distinctive physical postures. Afterwards, several dancers scream out verbal abuse at the spirits of the departed who prowl in the shadows of the night (Ryan 15). In both rituals, the shaman is the conventional healer selected by the spirits who diagnose and treat the illnesses. He does so by traveling both worlds and restoring a person’s health. Secondly, there is an element of the shamans getting into a state of trance. They do so in order to cross between the two worlds and communicate with the spirits (Ryan 16). Thirdly, the shamans have to get rid of the evil spirits and forces that cause the sickness and restore health. Fourthly, the shamans chant to get into the state of trance. The chanting forms a connection with the spirits as the shaman has to call them. Lastly, there is an element of music in both rituals. Hmong shamans have drumming which marks the beginning of the journey and rattles to help summon the spirits. In the Nu’m Chai, singing and clapping accompany the dancing (Ryan 17). The rituals provide the need for emotional connection between the spirit world and the humans. The humans believe the connection between well being and sickness to the spirits that have to be appeased. Secondly, both rituals provide a sense of community and belonging to which members can identify with. This is beneficial to members who receive health after sickness and improve both

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 23

Report - Essay Example From the concerted effort, I made during financial planning and subsequently presenting this report to you, presents Yorkshire Building Society with an opportunity to grow its revenues at a more accelerated pace. Through this financial plan, you have been presented with the numerical logic for decision making. In addition, it serves to show the Yorkshire Building Society’s Board where the need to employ its resources for maximum returns and costs management. Through efficient financial management, Yorkshire Building Society, through its Board, will be able to set aside enough funds for marketing this new venture, expanding its operations to bring about more growth. Through this plan, I specifically addressed the required start-up costs, breakeven analysis, forecasted profit and loss, forecasted cash flow, and projected balance sheet. Additionally, financial ratios were conducted to show the expected performance. Having a good financial plan is a good starting point for answering the critical and fundamental questions on how much it will cost Yorkshire Building Society to get the venture started. The plan by Yorkshire Building Society to start a new business requires that it determines its budgetary needs in a critical manner. Since every business is unique from each other, it has its particular monetary needs at various stages of it development. In estimating the initial capital outlay, I considered the size of our company since there does not exist any universal approach for estimating the start-up costs. Some investment would require considerable investment in equipment and inventory. Additionally, there will be costs involved in the acquisition of the new store in Leeds. Some of the costs that Yorkshire Building Society will incur will be one-off costs as is the case with the new store and the fee for the new venture. Other costs will

Managing Global Hospitality Essay Example for Free

Managing Global Hospitality Essay The importance of developing services for a company that deals with hospitality industry is obvious. This is because competition in the hospitality industry is so intense that only providers that can attract customers at appropriate ways can win the market. The situation drives corporations to place lots of advertising to influence customers. Television, urban areas, shopping centers, and corners of the streets, for example, share similar characteristics that they are full of advertising and promotion at various forms such as billboards, running text, large screens and many others. In marketing study, promotion becomes one factor of marketing strategy that influences salability of a product in addition to product, place, and pricing. The mixture of the four components, which often refer to marketing mix, creates opportunity for marketers to design, create, promote, and sell products creatively. In order to describe how the services marketing strategies are applied in a real case, we use the profile of Tourism Hotels and Leisure Ltd, an Australian-based service company, and further analyze this company by using the M-S model. Concerning the issue, this paper has two objectives as following: ? Evaluating the structure, environment and issues that face international hospitality organizations (Tourism Hotels and Leisure Ltd) ? Using the non-participant observation method, this paper is to analyze product offering of service products by using Multi-Segment (M-S) model on Tourism Hotels and Leisure Ltd Tourism, Hotels and Leisure Limited is a global accommodation management company based in Sydney and listed on the Australian Stock Exchange since 1985. There are several key business asset of the company, which are: proprietary hotel operating systems, intellectual properties, trade marks and management franchise agreements (‘Golden Tulip Brands’, 2005). Currently, as the company keeps committing to two keys of corporate performances: risk diversification and growth strategy, the company faces several challenges from worldwide tourism and hotel chains companies. Risk Diversification of Tourism Hotels and Leisure Ltd Currently, the company owned five hotel brands in Asia pacific, which are: Grand Pacific Suites resorts, Pacific International Suites, Apartments Resorts; Golden tulip Hotels, Inns Resorts, Plaza Hotels and Pensione Hotels. The company, together with its affiliates, has more that 435 hotels, in 370 locations across 43 countries in five continents. In Asia Pacific alone the company owned 53 hotels providing up to 4,200 rooms. In Australia, the company recently purchased the Plaza hotels consist of a group of 30 hotels in mid market category (‘THL’, 2005). In hospitality industry, the major risk is to lose customers and cause low occupancy rate, therefore, in performing risk diversification, Tourism Hotels and Leisure Ltd has conducted a series of business expansion and diversification. For example, the company has just added five new hotels coming in Australasia with the addition of Golden Tulip Airport Hotel, Melbourne (Tourism, Hotels Leisure Limited (THL), 2005). In addition, the company also develops new retention program by introducing Connections, which composes of frequent flyer and other loyalty programs. The programs are valid at 15 international airlines to all Pacific International properties (Tourism, Hotels Leisure Limited (THL), 2005). In order to achieve the objective to perform risk diversification; at least there are two actions that Tourism, Hotels Leisure Limited (THL) can perform as following: ? THL should develop and maintain quality services. For instance, THL conducts a series of workshops that train the company’s managements and employees concerning THL programs and service objectives. This objective to carry out these workshops is to monitor and then maintain the quality of service in all THL facility in order to fulfill customers’ needs ? Use quality assurance tools like Balanced Score Card in order to enable THL in monitoring the company’s financial and operational performance and check whether they still comply with improved customer’s satisfaction. Growth Strategy of Tourism Hotels and Leisure Ltd The competition in hospitality industry is fierce. The situation encourages corporations in the industry to expand into international market. According to a study, the development in hospitality industry is caused by two factors: MA activities and Market Segmentation. The later, market segmentation, is popular in the industry since it enables a hotel group to expand and strengthen their presence without competing between their own brands in a certain markets. Marriott, Sheraton, Accor, Holiday Inn are examples of hotel groups that maintain vast brands. According to Philip Kotler (2000) in his book Marketing Management, marketing in 21st century shows attractive ways since corporations are encouraged to develop new marketing approaches in order to sustain their growth. Instead of spending millions of dollars on costly market research, corporations simply conduct and improve basic marketing approaches such as establishment of manufacturing facilities near customers’ location, providing comprehensive solutions base on customers’ needs. Concerning the approach, Kotler (2000) says that marketers also develop loyalty programs including building customers’ club, create attractive public relation programs, continuously using customers’ feedback to improve products or services. Concerning services, Wilson (1972), suggests that marketers face huge challenge when marketing a service or intangible product. This is because the more intangible a service is, the greater the difference in the marketing characteristics of the service is. Based on the definition, marketers must pay attention to developing marketing strategies that target customers’ hearts. One recent concept regarding the development of marketing strategy is the service-good analysis . The concept aims at speed up the process of product/service definition in order to quickly produce the proper marketing strategy (Langford, 1997). According to Kurtz and Clow (1997), there are sever al unique characteristics of services, which demand different marketing concerns including intangibility, inseparability, and variability. The intangible nature of the service requires companies to make the service mo/nm, re tangible by stressing tangible cues within promotional efforts. Company image, recommendations and word of mouth are becoming important within marketing services strategy. Moreover, service industry also contains inseparable character, where demand is more sensitive to supply. Under such circumstances, firms must be more carefully match services with existing demands to ensure satisfaction. Concerning the service industry, there is hospitality industry that covers many services including the provision of food and beverages, lodging, transportation and travel, and hotel and resorts. Figure 1 shows Multi-Segment model, which is known as M-S Model. There are in general four quadrants in the model, each consists of four elements: entities (E), Marketer action (M), Buyer Action (B), and Interaction (I). Figure 1: Multi-Segment Model (M-S Model) Source: McColl-Kennedy, J. 2003, Service Marketing: a Managerial Approach, John Wiley and Sons, Australia ? Product Segment The operation of a service company differs from products resulted from a series of production activities. There are several benefits or the tangible product industry that cannot be obtained in the service industry. For example, the benefits of industrialization cannot be generalized to the service industry. Services cannot be produced in advance and stored for future use. However, the concept of marketing services provides a different perspective of that consist of three operational positions, which are cost efficiency, customization and service quality. The process of producing the services also differs from creating a product. Each service is differentiated by complexity of the process and the variability of each step of the process. There are several strategies related to the operations of a service company, some of them are position mapping and blueprinting A service company can benefit from creating position mapping and blueprinting. Both analysis tools will help the company to define its competitors, the intensity of the competition and the direction it heads for (Kurtz and Clow, 1997). To better describe the product segment of Tourism Hotels and Leisure Ltd, below is tabular form of buyer’s perspective on products quadrants.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Brugada Syndrome: Sudden Cardiac Death | Literature Review

Brugada Syndrome: Sudden Cardiac Death | Literature Review BRUGADA SYNDROME: SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH Review of Literature and Case Report. Dr. Nanda Pai Dr. Sanjeeta Umbarkar Dr. Akshay Bafna Dr. Jinal Vaghela KEYWORDS: Brugada Syndrome, sudden unexpected death syndrome (SUDS) ABSTRACT Brugada Syndrome or Sudden Unexpected Death Syndrome was first discovered by P. Brugada and J. Brugada in 19921. It is a rare genetic disorder characterised by ST segment elevation in V1 – V3 leads on ECG, ventricular fibrillation and ventricular arrhythmias which can cause sudden unexpected death in an otherwise normal patient. We wish to highlight the fact that with thorough pre-operative anaesthetic and cardiac evaluation these potentially life threatening patients can be effectively treated for minor oral surgical procedures using regional anaesthesia with lignocaine thereby avoiding general anaesthesia. INTRODUCTION â€Å"In 1992, Pedro and Josep Brugada for the first time introduced a new clinical entity with ST segment elevation in V1 – V3 leads and right bundle branch block (RBBB) pattern associated with a high incidence of ventricular tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation (VT/VF)1†. This new entity was termed Brugada Syndrome (BrS) or Sudden Unexpected Death Syndrome (SUDS), occurring in structurally healthy hearts in young individuals, causing life threatening arrhythmias and sudden death. Most of the patients are between second and fourth decades of life however â€Å"the youngest patient clinically diagnosed with the syndrome is 2 days old and the oldest is 84 years old2†. There is a male predilection, â€Å"due to the presence of more prominent I ­to channels in males than in females3† and in many countries it is the 2nd highest cause of death in younger men after vehicular accidents. Signs and symptoms include presyncopal and syncopal attacks and cardiac arrest (many a times during sleep). Routine ECG shows ST segment elevation in leads V1 – V3. Fever may precede syncope or tachycardia. There are 3 types of Brugada ECG Patterns Type 1: coved type, where ST segment elevation > 2 mm. Type 2: saddle back type, where ST segment elevation > 2mm with positive ‘T’ wave. Type 3: coved or saddle back type, where ST segment elevation Brugada Syndrome is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. In 1998, the Syndrome was linked to mutations in SCN5A, the gene that encodes the alpha subunit for the sodium channel and since then over 300 mutations of SCN5A have been identified4. Mutations of gene SCN5A cause loss of expression of sodium channel protein which decreases the sodium current resulting in slow conduction in the heart. Bezzina et al presented evidence supporting the theory that an SCN5A promoter polymorphism, common in Asian modulates, variability in cardiac conduction and may contribute to the high prevalence of Brugada Syndrome in Asian population5. CASE REPORT A 27 year old male patient reported in the department of dentistry, with excruciating pain in lower right second molar and insisted on getting it extracted. Clinical examination and orthopantomogram revealed an extremely carious second molar. The patient was a recently diagnosed case of Brugada Syndrome (Type 3). He gave a history of chest pain about 7 years ago, however, a couple of months ago he had persistent chest pain for which he was admitted in the intensive care unit for about 10 days, during which time he had 3 presyncopal attacks. On cardiac evaluation, ECG revealed an elevated ST segment in V1 – V3 leads and partial RBBB pattern but structurally normal heart valves with normal pericardium and absence clots or vegetation. His left ventricular ejection fraction was 60%. CST (Cardiac Stress Test) was performed by Bruce protocol where patient walked for 30 minutes with 10.1 METS which showed no angina/arrhythmia. Basal ECG showed RBBB persisted throughout the test. Howe ver there were no significant ST segment changes during the test. Adequate chronotropic and ionotropic response was achieved. CST was negative for stress induced reversible ischaemia/and for arrhytmia. His family history revealed sudden death of his father at a younger age (42 years) with unknown cause. However, there was no diagnosed case of Brugada Syndrome in the family. His past surgical history revealed an appendicectomy and septoplasty. He was a chronic smoker and occasionally consumed alcohol. Since it was a minor dental surgical procedure and given the patient’s history, the tooth extraction was planned under local anaesthesia using lignocaine hydrochloride with adrenaline (1:2, 00,000) thereby avoiding general anaesthesia and the various drugs used with it that could trigger ventricular tachycardia in a BrS patient. Given the patient’s history of chest pain and diagnosis of Brugada Syndrome, patient was thoroughly evaluated by the anaesthetist and cardiologist prior to the dental treatment. High risk fitness was obtained. The patient was taken up in the intensive care unit. A ventilator and a defibrillator were kept standby. A 12 lead ECG was attached and was monitored continuously throughout the procedure. An I.V. line was secured. The anaesthetist and cardiologist along with the maxillofacial surgeons formed the surgical team. A right inferior alveolar nerve block was given using 3 ml lignocaine with adrenaline solution. Another 1 ml was used for intra-pulpal infiltration. After checking for subjective and objective signs the tooth was surgically extracted after sectioning the roots. The wound was closed using 3 – 0 vicryl. Patient tolerated the procedure well. Intra operatively patient was given 4 mg Dexamethasone along with injection Augmentin (Amoxicillin Clavulanate) 1.2 gm. Post operatively he was put on oral tablet Augmentin 625 mg and tablet Paracetamol twice a day. Patient was discharged the same day and was followed up in the dental department. DISCUSSION Brugada Syndrome is a major cause of sudden unexplained death syndrome (SUDS) and death is caused by ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation (a lethal arrhythmia) in the heart which appears with no warning. The diagnosis in Brugada Syndrome is based on the characteristic patterns on an electrocardiogram, which may be routinely precipitated by administration of certain drugs (ajmaline or flecainide). Brugada ECG pattern is very often hidden, but certain factors can unmask or trigger it like sodium channel blockers, febrile state, vagotonic agents, autonomic nervous system changes, excessive stress, tricyclic or tetracyclic antidepressants, first generation antihistamines (dimenhydrinate), a combination of glucose and insulin, hyperkalaemia, hypokalaemia, hypercalcaemia, alcohol toxicity, heavy meals at night just before sleeping, excessive vomiting, hot humid climatic conditions6. According to Nademanee and Veerakul6, north-eastern part of Thailand where SUDS is prevalent and where temperatures can soar to 41oC a study is underway to gauge the climatic influences on occurrence of SUDS and they feel that physicians should factor in temperature as a cause of arrhythmogenesis in BrS. Several drugs could precipitate ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation which are listed in world Brugada registry in (Accessibility verified July 04, 2014). All Brugada patients and their treating physicians should be aware of these precipitating drugs at all times. Many Brugada patients are asymptomatic and the classical pattern on ECG is picked up only by an experienced and trained physician. This pattern should be correlated with age of patient, family history, chest pain, fever and presyncopal/syncopal attacks. Bupivacaine has been reported to unmask Brugada like ECG patterns when administered epidurally7. Hence we avoided bupivacaine and used lidocaine with adrenaline (1:2, 00,000 dilution) instead for our patient which was well tolerated by him. Lignocaine (class 1b antiarrythmic agent) displays rapid dissociation kinetics and produces little to no ST segment elevation in patients with congenital BrS8. The ventricular tachycardia in BrS can be prevented by avoiding certain aggravating factors like medication, drugs, fever and excessive stress. Brugada patients need to be regularly followed up over a long period of time. In severe cases the only line of treatment is placement of an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). Kloesel et al9 in 2011 did a literature search and compared results of previous reports with theirs regarding outcomes of patients with BrS who underwent surgeries and anaesthetic care and found 21 case reports and 4 case series. They collected data of 52 anaesthetics and 43 patients. In our literature search we found mention of only 2 patients of BrS who underwent surgeries in the maxillofacial region. 1) Plate fixation for mandibular fracture in 56 year old male. 2) Tooth extraction, incision and drainage of odontogenic infection in 55 year old male10. However both these patients were treated under general anaesthesia. We decided to avoid general anaesthesia thereby keeping the drugs to be used to the minimum. By thorough pre-anaesthetic evaluation, proper patient counselling, intra-operative pain control using optimum amount of lignocaine, 12 lead ECG continuously monitored at all times during procedure, constant blood pressure monitoring, avoiding use of certain drugs like bupivacaine, keeping a defibrillator standby and by having a cardiologist and anaesthetist in your surgical team these patients can be successfully managed. Post-operatively ICU monitoring is must for a minimum of 4 hours. There is a dearth of articles in the Maxillofacial and Dental literature regarding the management of these patients and we feel there is a need of more awareness of this not so rare cardiac condition among the dental and maxillofacial surgeons. With proper planning these patients with potentially life threatening and unique cardiac conditions can be safely and efficiently managed by maxillofacial surgeons for dental treatment. FUNDING None. COMPETING INTERESTS None declared. ETHICAL APPROVAL Not Required. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank Dr. Kuldeep and Dr. Arvind Singh, 1st year Residents, Department of Cardiology, KEMH; Dr. Yogesh Naik, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesia, KEMH for their support throughout the treatment and co-operation. REFERENCES Brugada P, Brugada J. Right bundle branch block, persistent ST segment elevation and sudden cardiac death: A distinct clinical and electrocardiographic syndrome. A multicenter report. J. Am Coll Cardiology 1992: 20: 1391-1396. Antzelvich C, Brugada P, Borggrefe M, Brugada J, Brugada R, Coraddo P, et al. Brugada Syndrome: Report of the second consensus conference. Endorsed by the Heart Rhythm Society and the European Heart Rhythm Association Circulation 2005: 111: 659-70. Diego J M, Condiero J M, Goodrow R J, Fish J M, Zygmunt A C, Perez G J, et al. Ionic and cellular basis for the predominance of the Brugada Syndrome phenotype in males. Circulation 2002: 106: 2004-11. Chen Q, Kirsch G E, Zhang D, et al. Genetic basis and molecular mechanism for idiopathic ventricular fibrillation nature. 199: 392: 293. C R Bezzina, W Simizu, P Yang, Tamara T, Koopmann M Tanck, et al. Common sodium channel promoter haplotype in Asian subjects underlies variability in cardiac conduction. Circulation 2006: 113: 338-344. Gumpanart Veerakul M D, Koonlawee Nademanee M D. Brugada Syndrome: two decades of progress. Circ. Journal 2012: 76: 2713-2722. Phillips N, Priestly M, Denniss A R et al. Brugada type electrocardiographic pattern induced by epidural bupivacaine. Anaesthesia Analogue. 97: 264: 2003. 8. Hideki Itoh, Keiko Tsuji,Tomoko Sakaguchi,Iori Nagaoka,Yuko Oka,et al . A paradoxical effect of lidocaine for the N406S mutation of SCN5Aassociated with Brugada syndrome. International Journal Of Cardiology. 2007: 121 (3): 239-248. Benjamin Kloesel, Michael J Ackerman, Juraj Sprung, Bradly J. Narr, Toby N. Weingarter. Anaesthetic management of patients with Brugada Syndrome: A case series and literature review. Can Journal Anaesthesia / Can Anaes 2011. 58: 824-836. Nicholas Theododu, Joseph E. Cillo. Brugada Syndrome (Sudden Unexpected Death Syndrome): Perioperative and Anaesthetic Management in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2009: 67 (9): 20121-25.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Planning for Success :: Business Planning Plans

Planning for Success   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Planning is a key factor in the success of any business, and conversely, the failure to plan adequately is one of the fastest routes to business failure. There are many considerations that an entrepreneur must decide such as: type of business, legal structure, permits and licenses, market planning, business plan, location, organization management planning, business telephone line, mission statement, and a business checking account. There are many sources of information to help to start a business in an organized way, such as a business plan from the office of Economic Development & Planning located in the County Office Building, or books in that can be found in any library.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first decision that the entrepreneur must make is what type of business he/she wants to start. The decision should be based on the amount of knowledge and skill that they have in the field that they are considering. The better that they know the industry, the stronger there likelihood they will have a successful business, and the better base they will have for the rest of the decisions that will have to be made in the time to come.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The next important decision in the business planning process is the legal structure of the company. The three legal structures are Sole-proprietorship, Partnership and a Corporation. Each one of these legal structures has its advantages and disadvantages. The different aspects that each legal structure differs are: management control, capital, liability, income taxes, business continuity, and government regulations. The understanding of these different issues is crucial to the decision of which structure is the best one for the entrepreneurs business. Be sure to consult an attorney before making this decision.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In a sole-proprietorship, the owner retains total control of all the decisions that need to be made. The ability to raise capital is limited by the financial resources and the credit worthiness of the individual owner. The owner has the ultimate liability for all the actions and debts of the business. A sole-proprietorship is not a separate taxable entity. The individual owner reports business revenue, expenses and net income (or loss) on his/her individual tax return (form 1040). The business ends with death of owner unless previously sold or transferred. The government has very limited regulations, and few records are legally required. A D.B.A. (Doing Business As) form is available at most office supply stores or at a County Department of Economic Development office, which also requires a small fee. Planning for Success :: Business Planning Plans Planning for Success   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Planning is a key factor in the success of any business, and conversely, the failure to plan adequately is one of the fastest routes to business failure. There are many considerations that an entrepreneur must decide such as: type of business, legal structure, permits and licenses, market planning, business plan, location, organization management planning, business telephone line, mission statement, and a business checking account. There are many sources of information to help to start a business in an organized way, such as a business plan from the office of Economic Development & Planning located in the County Office Building, or books in that can be found in any library.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first decision that the entrepreneur must make is what type of business he/she wants to start. The decision should be based on the amount of knowledge and skill that they have in the field that they are considering. The better that they know the industry, the stronger there likelihood they will have a successful business, and the better base they will have for the rest of the decisions that will have to be made in the time to come.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The next important decision in the business planning process is the legal structure of the company. The three legal structures are Sole-proprietorship, Partnership and a Corporation. Each one of these legal structures has its advantages and disadvantages. The different aspects that each legal structure differs are: management control, capital, liability, income taxes, business continuity, and government regulations. The understanding of these different issues is crucial to the decision of which structure is the best one for the entrepreneurs business. Be sure to consult an attorney before making this decision.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In a sole-proprietorship, the owner retains total control of all the decisions that need to be made. The ability to raise capital is limited by the financial resources and the credit worthiness of the individual owner. The owner has the ultimate liability for all the actions and debts of the business. A sole-proprietorship is not a separate taxable entity. The individual owner reports business revenue, expenses and net income (or loss) on his/her individual tax return (form 1040). The business ends with death of owner unless previously sold or transferred. The government has very limited regulations, and few records are legally required. A D.B.A. (Doing Business As) form is available at most office supply stores or at a County Department of Economic Development office, which also requires a small fee.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in Keeping Close to Home by bell hooks Essay

Ethos, Pathos, and Logos, bell hooks Style bell hooks ties in the three elements of argument, ethos, pathos, and logos in her essay, "Keeping Close to Home: Class and Education," by telling us about the many events of her life. hooks establishes credibility, or ethos, unintentionally, through descriptions of her achievements and character. hooks appeals to the readers logic, or logos, by giving real world examples from her personal experiences. She also appeals to the readers emotions, or pathos. Pathos is the aspect of argument she uses most heavily. hooks does this by talking about family, peers, feelings, and change. hooks shows us ,in her essay, credibility, logic, and emotion using the stories of her life. bell hooks is a woman who does not concern herself with establishing credibility among her audience or critics. What is important to hooks is that she reaches the people who most need to hear what she has to say. As hooks tells us, "It is important that we know who we are speaking to, who we most long to move, motivate, and touch with our words" (90). hooks has, however, established credibility through her many achievements, such as, attending school at Stanford University, teaching at Yale, writing the book Ain't I a Woman: black women and feminism, and by starting a black women's support group. Although these are great accomplishments, no matter what your race or sex, I feel she best establishes her credibility through her character. hooks tells us that while she often may have needed money, she never had the need for new beliefs or values. She shows great strength in her ability to combine her past life with her new "privileged" life. As hooks says, "It was my responsibilit y to formulate a way of being ... ...anion] wanted to know whether or not I knew them" (91). bell hooks did not personally know these people , but they represent her family and her past. hook finds it unsettling that in her experiences, she has found no black bonds among professors and students. She feels this lack of bonds prevents many brilliant black students from thriving. hooks is disturbed by the lack of positive ties to ethnicity. I feel bell hooks has done an excellent job of showing the elements of ethos, logos, and pathos through her life experiences. She makes very strong points. hooks shows the credibility, logic, and emotion that are needed to get her points across. She relies most heavily and effectively on emotion. In, "Keeping Close to Home: Class and Education", hooks clearly agues ethos, logos, and pathos with a passion to reach people that have never been reached before. Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in Keeping Close to Home by bell hooks Essay Ethos, Pathos, and Logos, bell hooks Style bell hooks ties in the three elements of argument, ethos, pathos, and logos in her essay, "Keeping Close to Home: Class and Education," by telling us about the many events of her life. hooks establishes credibility, or ethos, unintentionally, through descriptions of her achievements and character. hooks appeals to the readers logic, or logos, by giving real world examples from her personal experiences. She also appeals to the readers emotions, or pathos. Pathos is the aspect of argument she uses most heavily. hooks does this by talking about family, peers, feelings, and change. hooks shows us ,in her essay, credibility, logic, and emotion using the stories of her life. bell hooks is a woman who does not concern herself with establishing credibility among her audience or critics. What is important to hooks is that she reaches the people who most need to hear what she has to say. As hooks tells us, "It is important that we know who we are speaking to, who we most long to move, motivate, and touch with our words" (90). hooks has, however, established credibility through her many achievements, such as, attending school at Stanford University, teaching at Yale, writing the book Ain't I a Woman: black women and feminism, and by starting a black women's support group. Although these are great accomplishments, no matter what your race or sex, I feel she best establishes her credibility through her character. hooks tells us that while she often may have needed money, she never had the need for new beliefs or values. She shows great strength in her ability to combine her past life with her new "privileged" life. As hooks says, "It was my responsibilit y to formulate a way of being ... ...anion] wanted to know whether or not I knew them" (91). bell hooks did not personally know these people , but they represent her family and her past. hook finds it unsettling that in her experiences, she has found no black bonds among professors and students. She feels this lack of bonds prevents many brilliant black students from thriving. hooks is disturbed by the lack of positive ties to ethnicity. I feel bell hooks has done an excellent job of showing the elements of ethos, logos, and pathos through her life experiences. She makes very strong points. hooks shows the credibility, logic, and emotion that are needed to get her points across. She relies most heavily and effectively on emotion. In, "Keeping Close to Home: Class and Education", hooks clearly agues ethos, logos, and pathos with a passion to reach people that have never been reached before.