Friday, October 18, 2019

Article analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Article analysis - Essay Example These are the United Kingdom’s power declined in the 19th century following the two major world wars. France power declined and the late 17th century. The adversaries of these two prominent nations exploited the tectonic monetary changes to adopt military and organizational inventions to enhance their rise and merged alliances to monitor domination. Layne predicts that America will experience a similar phenomenon like what befall United Kingdom and France. According to the author, United States will experience multipolarity in the period 2000-2010. Although the subject on unipolarity was handled almost at the end of the given time period, Layne holds that United States power remains supreme. Nevertheless, he disagrees that America is in some way immune to realists’ views, eventually concluding that Washington ought to espouse to a constrained â€Å"off-shore balancing† policy instead of wasting its might trying to control the globe. Review Realist view of interna tional relations sees global politics and interactions as being propelled by individual interests of countries. This view perceives nations struggle for supremacy in order to enhance and preserve their economic and military wellbeing in rivalry with other nations. This view was portrayed by America’s invasion of Iraq in 2003, which critic’s of Layne agree with. America used its military might to uphold the realists’ view. However, questions arise as to whether Iraq’s incursion by United States made sense. In the Washington post, Ignatius (2013) holds that invading Iraq in a bid to topple the then Iraqi’s president Saddam Hussein was one of the biggest policy mistake in the contemporary American history. Such decision by America saw an increase in international actors condemning its act marking the emergence of criticism against America’s misuse of its global power. In addition, United States invaded Afghanistan after the September 11 attack, though the rivalry seems to date back in 1979 during the cold war era. As the era of the cold war came to an end, some scholars and analysts saw the emergence of modern cold war era by the United States. The actions of United States make it appear more like an heir of the cold war. The United States emerged as the global power among the preeminent participants of the cold war. However, the country needed to show and exercise worldwide leadership in order to uphold and preserve its standing as the global leader and superpower. These incursions are criticized as they go against the United Nations charter. The open criticism of United States action is a clear sign that America’s unipolar moment is indeed coming to an end as Layne asserts. In the recent past, actions of United States and other world players perfectly present the fulfillment of Layne’s assertion that great powers are starting to rival America through hard and soft balancing of power. Technological, economi c, and political actions of other world powers just reinforces Layne’s point of view that unipolar moment of the United States is ending soon. For illustration, China is emerging as a United States rival in economic might. During the global recession that hit America hard, China’s economy was expanding. India and China economies have recently been distinguished as the main global powers countering United States. Seib, (2012) in his opinion in the New

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