Thursday, August 1, 2019

Daily Express and the front page of The Times Essay

Write a comparison of the two or three articles on the inside page of the Daily Express and the front page of The Times, explaining how the two pieces are appropriate for the newspaper for which they are written. The reported story is that Peter Foster helped Cherie Blaire buy two flats in Bristol, while not knowing that Peter Foster is a fraudster. The Daily Mail released the story, followed by a front page article. The Daily Mail is a tabloid and uses a huge heading, wanting to use this story to attract lots of readers and pass on their message. The Times is a broadsheet and therefore does not use such a large heading but has a balanced view, on this story, giving facts and opinions. The Daily use a medium sized picture which is unflattering, as Cherie Blair looks very stressed out, guilty, panicked and very untidy as her hair is out of place. She is looking desperate and it looks like she regrets what’s she done and wishes she could turn back time. This picture is a really emotive picture which makes the reader feels remorse for her. Her make up does not match her clothes; this is showing that is feeling too stressed to care about the way she looks. In The Times the central picture is of Cherie Blair and is very huge. The Times show a very emotive picture of Cherie Blair; she is looking up, this shows she is looking up to God and asking him to help her. This picture also shows weakness, which makes the reader think that Cherie Blair has done something very wrong; her make up is worn out again as it was in The Daily Mail this shows she has much more important things to think about and really cannot be bothered to re apply her make up when it wears away. In The Evening Standard the image is showing a completely different style from The Times and The Daily Mail. The background of the picture is red, this shows The Evening Standard supports the Labour Party as red represents them; also this is a colour that expresses love and affection. This means Tony Blair supports Cherie Blair and he is showing his affection to his wife. Cherie Blair has her eyes closed this shows they are very close together; and this shows whatever Cherie Blair does it affects her husband. You can’t see Cherie Blair’s arms, this making look like they are merging together. They are focusing more on Cherie Blair; you can see this because there is more of her face than his. Cherie Blair is shown wearing some jeweller, this shows not only is she posh but she is also a mother, wearing make up shows her femininity. All images give a huge impact on the article and fits with what they are saying. The Daily Mail’s headline is â€Å"Cherie gives her story†. They have written it all in capital letters to make it stand out more. The word â€Å"story† implies that The Daily Mail thinks she has made it up because story means made up. Also story means there is not only one view but two views on this. The headline of The Daily Mail is written in very huge font size and takes up much more than the actual article. Instead of the strap line which The Times has in the beginning, they use topic sentence. The topic sentence is in bold and the first word of the caption is in capital. The caption gives us a quick idea what the article is about. It gives some space between the headline and pictures. The Time’s headline is â€Å"I am not a superwomen- I am sorry†. This headline shows that she just a normal human being and made a mistake just as every other human makes mistakes. The Times has two strap lines so that we know the two main things the article is about. They say she admits she made two mistakes and makes the readers against her. The Times use medium sized bold writing. For the strap lines they use two bullet points one and font is smaller than the headline. They have done this to show the strap lines are important and tell the reader the things discussed in the article. Underneath the article is written in smaller font but Cherie Blair’s name in the beginning is written in capital letters and slightly bigger than the rest of article. The by line, in The Times, is written in slightly bigger font size the article whereas in The Daily Mail the by line only the name of the person that the article is written by is bold and bigger font size than the rest of the text. The writing does not have hardly any space between them. The Evening Standard headline say â€Å"I’m very proud of Cherie†, it is written this is saying that Tony Blair agrees fully with his wife. Eyes are drawn to headline because it is bigger and bolder than The Times and The daily Mail. It uses topic sentence to start off the article just as The Daily Mail does. The topic sentence is bolder and slightly bigger than the rest of the text. Tony Blair names written in bold and capital letters, they did this to divert the attention to Tony Blair and say it’s not only Cherie fault but Tony Blair’s fault too. They use lots of spaces between text and heading.

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