Saturday, August 24, 2019

Transportation effect on climate change Term Paper

Transportation effect on climate change - Term Paper Example These include technological improvement, use of energy efficient fuels, management of demand for vehicles and use of renewable fuels as well as alternative sources of fuels. Greenhouse gases  such as carbondioaxide  are responsible for global warming that responsible for climate change. Although transport industry is not responsible for all greenhouse gas emission, it is among the industries consuming the largest amount of fossil fuels in the U.S. (Ryley & Chapman, 2012). "Fossil fuels are the main source of carbon dioxide" and other greenhouse gases. Transport industry affects other sectors such as agriculture, construction, mining, education and commerce among others (U. S. Department of Transportation, 2012). Therefore, policy decisions taken by the government or other agencies to regulate transport industry affect the operations of other sectors and individuals. Climate change has been described as variations of average weather conditions recorded over a long period in a particular region or across the globe (U. S. Department of Transportation, 2012). The issue of climate change has received much attention in the recent past with various nations convening conferences to establish a lasting solution to the menace of climate change. The policy makers have developed various strategies to address the issue, but there is little which has been done in terms of policy implementations (Asariotis & Benamara, 2012). The issue of global warming is of significant global concern because the effects are felt across the globe rather than in a discriminate geographical region. Greenhouse gases are the main causes of global warming thus resulting to climate change. The main greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere include nitrous oxide (1.5%), carbon dioxide (95%), methane (0.1%) and hydrofluorocarbons (3.4%) (U. S. Department of Transportation, 2012). The sources of greenhouse gases include natural and human activities. However, human activities are the

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