Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Level Of Emotional Intelligence - 1975 Words

1. Evaluate your level of emotional intelligence and provide specific examples to support your assessment. Describe how your emotional intelligence could be enhanced and a strategy for doing so. I think I have somewhat average emotional intelligence. I am to a certain level able to perceive my feelings but I feel as though at times I can’t effectively identify my own strength and weaknesses. Also sometimes I tend to not think about the situational constraints. An example of this would be that I once accepted work for 15 days straight with no break, and by the end of the 15th day I was down with a fever. I assumed I could handle 9 hour workdays for 15 days straight without perceiving the stress and the hardship it would put on me†¦show more content†¦I am often the individual my friends come to with problems because I am often the most attentive to other problems in my group. I think my involvement with different community organizations has also helped me to gain understanding for different individuals perspectives. So I tend to be open to new ideas and am able to perceive other individuals body language and social cues very accurately. I often tend to know my friends are upset before they even tell me, even during a phone conversation or text conversation. I think I have certain ability to manage others actions and emotions towards me. An example of this would be my ability to change individuals mind about purchasing certain products from where I work. Some individuals come in quite certain that they will never buy the certain product but I usually am successful in selling these products to individuals especially instant credit. I think I need to improve on myself awareness and need to learn to understand my emotions and realize the limitations for myself instead of pushing myself over thresholds. A good way to improve this to be more mindful about my emotions and any physical cues I have. I think I also need to understand my weaknesses and my strengths. I think analysing someone’s emotions throughout the day could be an effective strategy for this but I think keeping a diary and going back and reading over emotions I had experienced and analysing them and

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