Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Effects Of Binge Drinking On The Uk And The Health...

Introduction Binge drinking is defined as people drinking plenty of alcohol in a short period of time or get drunk (NHS, 2014). In other words, binge drinking is drinking alcohol lead blood alcohol concentration (BAC) equal to or over 0.08g/dL. It means that when men drink more than 5 units of drinks and women have over 4 units of alcohol in around 2 hours is binge drinking.(NIH News,2014)Nowadays, binge drinking have a large proportion among youths in the UK, which lead to the health problems to them. In this essay, it will show the situation of adolescents of binge drinking in the UK and the health problems to them. Also, the campaigns did by the Department of Health and the Alcohol Concern. Moreover, evaluates the utility of those to help the youths. Situation Binge drinking is a common issue in the UK. According to the Drinkaware (2015) shows that the UK is one of the supreme countries of the rate of binge drinking in Europe. And the circumstance of binge drinking is particularly round adolescents, for example, under the investigation indicated that pupils are more conversant with beer brands than biscuits. (Alcohol Concern, 2015) It indicates that teenagers know about alcohol in early age, so have more chance to heavy drink. One of the reasons why, is that most of the young people know about the alcohol though the internet or the advertisement on TV. Due to the technology, is more wide range in recent years. There are a high percentage of youths do not know theShow MoreRelatedYouth binge drinking1621 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿To what extent is youth violence, crimes and anti-social behaviour linked to youths binge drinking. Binge drinking can be defined as an excessive consumption of alcohol within a short period of time to get drunk. This essay will focus on how youth violence, crime and anti-social behaviour is linked to youths binge drinking. It is widely known that the youths in United Kingdom start drinking at an early stage of their lives. Talbot and Crabbe (n.d.) state that â€Å"government statistics suggest that†¦Read MoreThe Effects Of Alcohol On Social Influences Within Health And Well Being1317 Words   |  6 Pagesrepresentative of 5.9% of all deaths across the globe. Despite governmental law of putting the drinking age to be 18 and over (UK and Ireland), Many studies reported that within the last ten years that have examined the drinking habits of young people, results show that UK teenagers are characterized by high levels of intoxication and binge drinking. (Binge drinking is defined by the NHS and NOS as drinking than double the lower risk guidelines for alcohol in one session), when put beside their EuropeanRead MoreExploring Factors Related to Alcohol Consumption Young People in Britain1225 Words   |  5 Pagessusceptible to drinking alcohol, this could be male or female also what age group this effects the most, the assignment will also look in to what young people can do to pass their time rather than drinking alcohol and what parents and other adults can do to help this situation, also what can be done to prevent binge drinking and help prevent it being so attractive. One of the most common reasons for young people to drink alcohol is to experiment and to also satisfy their curiosity on the effects of alcoholRead MoreAlcohol Is The Biggest Killer Of Young People1566 Words   |  7 Pagesknown for heavy drinking and friendly pubs. Irish whiskey such as Jameson is proudly consumed and exported. Alcohol is the biggest killer of young people in Ireland and many are impacted by their parents drinking. One person dies every seven hours due to alcohol in Ireland. Nine out of ten public order crimes in Ireland are alcohol related and one tenth of the health budget is spent on dealing with alcohol related harm. Studies conducted at universities in Ireland found that drinking behaviors wereRead More Alcohol Misuse1603 Words   |  7 PagesOne main public health issue that the writer will focus on is alcohol misuse. Alcohol is one of the popular and legally available drugs. Alcohol misuse is using alcohol in such a way that it causes harm to user and to th ose close to him/her - physically, psychologically and socially. The writer will explore the impact of alcohol on the individual and the community and policy on alcohol, whiles critically evaluating the role of the nurse and the effectiveness of the policy. First, it is importantRead MoreThe Definition Of Binge Drinking Used By The Nhs And National Office Of Statistics2022 Words   |  9 Pagesdefinition of binge drinking used by the NHS and National Office of Statistics is drinking more than double the lower risk guidelines for alcohol in one session. The government advises that people should not regularly drink more than the lower risk guidelines of 3-4 units of alcohol for men (equivalent to a pint and a half of 4% beer) and 2-3 units of alcohol for women (equivalent to a 175 ml glass of wine). ‘Regularly’ means drinking every day or most days of the week. Binge drinking for men, thereforeRead MoreWhy Is Binge Drinking A Public Health Issue? Essay1938 Words   |  8 PagesWhy is binge drinking a public health issue? Definition Public health is the health of the population. These are organized measures to make sure every person in the world is prevented from disease, to help promote health. It’s the prolonging of life and promoting health through everyone working together in society. Health campaigns can be used to inform people of the negative effects binge drinking can have. Health promotions are the procedure of enabling people to increase control over and to improveRead MoreAlcoholism : Alcoholism And Alcoholism2482 Words   |  10 Pageshomeless. Alcohol abuse has been a problem throughout the history of humanity; it is a disease which has caused many people to be overcome with trouble, problems, and debts also pattern of drinking that interferes with day-to-day activities. Alcoholism is a term that is widely recognized throughout the United States and the World. Alcoholism is a chronic disease, progressive and often turn fatal; it is a disorder and not due to other diseases or emotional probl ems. Many scientists have tried to pinpointRead MoreAlcoholism And Its Effects On Alcoholism2284 Words   |  10 Pageshomeless. Alcohol abuse has been a problem throughout the history of humanity; it is a disease which has caused many people to be overcome with trouble, problems, and debts also pattern of drinking that interferes with day-to-day activities. Alcoholism is a term that is widely recognized throughout the United States and the World. Alcoholism is a chronic disease, progressive and often turn fatal; it is a disorder and not due to other diseases or emotional problems. Many scientists have tried to pinpointRead MoreSocial Issues Related to Smoking and Alcohol Consumption Essay1265 Words   |  6 Pagesaccidents, workplace-related problems, family and domestic problems, and interpersonal violence. Work People with alcohol dependence and drinking problems are on sick leave more frequently than other employees. In Great Britain, up to 25% of workplace accidents and around 60% of fatal accidents at work may be linked to alcohol. drinking alcohol at work and hangovers  may reduce productivity. Performance at work may be affected both by the volume and pattern of drinking. Co-workers perceive that

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